Sanguine and Spiraling, 2023
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, ink, sand, gouache, ceramics on canvas
24 1/4 × 18 1/4 × 1 1/2 in | 61.6 × 46.4 × 3.8 cm
Kevin Umaña
Probably Try to Start That Transition, 2023
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, ink, sand, gouache, ceramics on canvas
24 1/4 × 18 1/4 × 1 1/2 in | 61.6 × 46.4 × 3.8 cm
Kevin Umaña
Landscape viewed from a Window, 2023
acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, aventurine, sand, color pencil, ink, gouache and ceramics on canvas
16.5” x 13.5” x 2”
Kevin Umaña
Walking Downtown
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, glass beads, sand, gouache, clear tar, colored pencils, terracotta, and ceramics on canvas
18.5" x 24" (Unframed)
Kevin Umaña
Desert Plants Between the Time of 5 to 7
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, glass beads, sand, gouache, clear tar, colored pencils, and ceramics on canvas
18.5" x 24" (Unframed)
Kevin Umaña
Well Catered and Edges of Patterned Wall
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, sand, gouache, and ceramics on canvas
16" ×20" (Unframed)
Kevin Umaña
Bird in Flight, Mountain in the Sunset
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, glass beads, sand, gouache, and ceramics on canvas
16" × 20" (Unframed)
Kevin Umaña
Digging Deep into Meditation
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, flock, sand, oil pastel, ink, gouache and ceramics on Linen
16" × 2" × 14"
41 x 5 x 36 cm
Kevin Umaña
The Joys and Enigmas of a Strange Hour
Oils, Acrylic, Gouache, Watercolor, Sand, and Ceramics on Canvas
19” x 16” (48 x 40 cm)
Kevin Umaña
Robes and Coverlets
Oils, Acrylic, Gouache, Watercolor, Sand, and Ceramics on Canvas
16.5” x 13.5” (42 x 35 cm)
Kevin Umaña
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, gouache, and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Time Passing in a Hourglass
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, silicone, sand, ink, gouache and ceramics on
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Frayed Scraps on the Cutting Board Floor
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, sand, walnut ink, clay, silicone, gouache and ceramics on canvas
17.75" x 23.75" (Unframed)
19.5" x 25.5" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Board Game Frenzy
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, sand, color pencil, gouache and ceramics on canvas 17.75" x 23.75" (Unframed)
19.5" x 25.5" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Morning Dew on a Spider Web
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, gouache and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
How All is Shattered like Shards of Stained Glass
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, sand, color pencil, rose quartz, marble dust, gouache and ceramics on canvas
17.75" x 23.75" (Unframed)
19.5" x 25.5" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Windy Waves
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, sand, walnut ink, clay, silicone, color pencil, gouache and ceramics on canvas
17.75" x 23.75"(Unframed)
19.5" x 25.5" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Flashy Jockstrap
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, gouache and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Apophenia as frayed as the night's last siren
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, sand, gouache and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Mom's Birds in Los Angeles
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, clear tar, sand, walnut ink, gouache and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Film Development of Roman Walls
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, silicone, sand, ink, gouache and ceramics on
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Robes and Coverlets
Oils, Acrylic, Gouache, Watercolor, Sand, and Ceramics on Canvas
19” x 16” (48 x 40 cm)
Kevin Umaña
Aerial of Street Crossing
Acrylic, oil, oil pastel, crushed turquoise, sand gouache and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Acrylic, oil, oil pastel, crushed turquoise, sand gouache and ceramics on canvas
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Arms Through the Button Up Shirt
Acrylic, oil, vinyl paint, oil pastel, flock, silicone, sand, ink, gouache and ceramics on
13.5" x 16.5" (Unframed)
18" x 15" (Framed)
Kevin Umaña
Stained Glass Window in the Hall
Acrylic, Oil, Gouache, Color Pencil, Ceramic, Watercolor, Pastel on Canvas
16” x 13”
Kevin Umaña
Freedom within Constraint
Acrylic, ceramics, oils, watercolor, graphite, gouache, gems, sand and resin on canvas
20" x 18"
Kevin Umaña
The Melancholy and the Mystery of the Street
Glaze, Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor, Pastel, Gouache, Color Pencil, Sand, Resin, on Panel
16" x 13"
Kevin Umaña
Mending To The Break
Glaze, Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor, Pastel, Gouache, Color Pencil, Sand, Resin, on Panel
16" x 13"
Kevin Umaña
Constituting a Core
Acrylic, ceramic, watercolor, pastel ink, and oil on canvas
15” x 13”
Kevin Umaña
The Steady Cold Rain Crashes Down
Acrylic, gouache, sand, and ceramics on canvas
16” x 16”
Kevin Umaña
Hawailian Shirt Traveling Into the Oily Depths of Rivers
Oils, acrylic, gouache, watercolors, sand, ceramic and canvas on panel
41.5” x 2.5” x 34”